Science Research  Academic Press

An exploration of the potential for the application of game-based educational metaverse to adolescent characterization

Zhongjun  Ren 
Wenyang  Yang 
Zhixiang  Cheng 
Nuoshi  Chen 
Jundong  Zhang 
Keywords: Educational metaverse; Psychology; Adolescent education; Emotional interaction


In recent years, with the introduction of the concept of metaverse and the upgrading of related virtual reality equipment. The number of research papers related to metaverse has shown an explosive growth, but the cross-research with psychology, especially the applicable research on the shaping of adolescent personality, is still in its infancy both at home and abroad. The formation and perfection of each person’s personality is precisely in his adolescence, a healthy adolescence. The formation and perfection of each person’s personality is precisely in his adolescence, a healthy personality will reduce the occurrence of mental illness and regulate individual behavior. Due to the lack of relevant knowledge and the generation gap in parents’ guidance and training of teenagers’ personality in the current society. This paper proposes the possibility of game-based metaverse. Possibility of game-based metaverse intervening in the cultivation of teenagers’ personality, and makes a preliminary research from the aspect of technical feasibility, which can provide certain reference for the research of metaverse in the development of teenagers’ personality.