Science Research  Academic Press

Students' Personalized Targeted Homework Based On Knowledge Mapping

Jiang  Xia 
Keywords: Knowledge map;Targeted operation;Wisdom Education


After the implementation of the dual reduction policy by the country, the direction of education development has changed. Future education requires teachers to develop intelligent teaching methods based on the different characteristics of different students. Based on intelligent teaching, corresponding ability goals are constructed, but the representation of such ability goals is difficult to present systematically and accurately. Using artificial intelligence and high school students as the core and carrier of learning, guided by the theory of multiple intelligences, and guided by subject knowledge graphs, students choose homework sheets that are suitable for themselves based on their actual learning situation. In the process of completing homework, they follow the principle of easy to difficult to avoid repetitive assignments. To fully stimulate students' interests and enable them to have better personalized learning abilities, ensuring that future teaching is more intelligent and real-time.