Science Research  Academic Press

The Comparison of Experiments in Embedded System Course

Yong Zhang 
Xianghua Hou 
Minmin Miao 
Honghai Liu 
Keywords: embedded system, hardware architecture, assembly program.


 The embedded system is designed to perform specific computation tasks and usually embedded in other devices. Unlike normal personal computer and cloud server, it is not for daily use but production environment with higher stability and reliability demands in various fields with fixed functionalities, smaller size and lower power consumption for the use of portable and power limit situations. The course of embedded system generally contains fundamental concepts, hardware architecture, software development, bootloader and kernel development, etc. It is a course closely integrating theory and experiments, with the purpose of making resource optimization and management, power efficiency, security and integrity. As a course in university, there are many factors that teacher needs to take into consideration before conducting the experiments in embedded system. In this paper, various factors relevant to the experiments, such as the system architecture, platform, and principles, are discussed in details for the comparison of embedded system experiments.